I seriously can't believe my little dudes last day of kindergarten is TODAY!! He has an adorable graduation planned for tomorrow but TODAY is the last day of kindergarten. As I sit and type this post, I just am flooded by emotions.. I am so glad were we ended up, as we struggled with our decision between homeschool, moving to a better school district and private school, we landed at CSA for a reason. I will be the first to admit it isn't a perfect place, and
we I have struggled with certain things
and would totally keep him in a bubble am learning to choice the battles I fight for him. This last week has been one of the best weeks we have had as a family and I am so thankful for this past year...I refuse to even think about first grade....at least for a few months...we are really looking forward to many lazy beach, pool, nothing days that summer will bring!!
Well to thank our wonderful teachers we bought them new lunch bags, reusable cups filled with lemonade and gift cards to there favorite places...but I wanted to make something a little special.. here is what I came up with.