Eli was playing so well with Mia the other day it was super cute! I have some video on the i phone but I am not sure yet how to transfer it over to the computer! Here are some pictures for now!
Here are some pictures from weeks 5-6! She is such a joy to have around. Eli adores her and is actually pretty good. He just sometime thinks he can pick her up out of her pack and play and carry her over to his chair!! but they are wonderful! I feel like I am starting to get into a pretty good routine and am much more calm and collected with them. I love being a mommy and enjoy being able to spend so much time with them, but I do miss a few nights away at work.....I know I can't believe I am saying that! But I miss the adult interaction and using my education. I feel so thankful for being able to stay at home all day with the kids and still being able to have a few evenings to use my education! I am also thankful to have such a wonderful husband, he is my best friend and I know he does so much for me and our family!
Well I can't believe how fast she is growing...she has little chubby cheeks and next to baby Macy I am sure she is huge! She LOVES to look at her big brother and he adores her! She will hold her head up off your chest to look at your face and Eli will say, "Baby Mia looks at people." It is an adjustment with two but I love it! We took both kids to the WVU game this weekend and I was very anxious about it, but I have such a wonderful husband who truly loves his family and puts us first ALWAYS and he adores being around his children, so we had a great family moment! Now usually we have very extravagant tailgates but this one we just had turkey sandwiches and chips but still had a great time! Being a mother and wife has been the best thing I have done!! I can say right now I am truly happy!!!
When we were visiting with my mom, my sister and her 2 boys were also staying with my mom and dad. Nick just found a job in WV and a lot closer to us!! We are soo excited to have them close and to be able to visit with our cousins! Eli adores Hayden-although they seem to have a love-hate relationship!
This is a little late, but Mia these pictures were taken on her 3week birthday! I can't believe she is 3 weeks old. She is getting more and more alert and cuter by the second. She looks a lot like Eli when he was this age, but also has a lot of me in her!! I love having alittle girl! And Eli is a wonderful big brother, he loves to help change her diapers and hold her!
Over labor day Chris went up to NY for a wedding, so I took the kids to my mom's for a long weekend. Eli went with his grandfather Keith to the WVU football game while Mia and I tailgated! Then the girls went to get pedicures! It was great!
Self picture! Several times I have caught Eli with my camera, well a few days ago I was too late and he had taken several pictures of his toys and his new DVD (picture of the movie playing on the TV screen!). When I took the camera away and explained this was my camera and not a toy he explained to me that his "toy" camera didn't take pictures and he needed to use mine. I think Santa may bring him a camera for Christmas!!