Monday, March 14, 2011

My Best Friend!

Marriage is hard! I love my husband more than any other person, with the exception of our 2 children, but sometimes's rough! We are in a busy stage of parenting with two young toddlers who demand alot of our attention! We spend a lot of time redirecting, redirecting, crying, teaching, loving them and sometimes we forget to love each other! I am taking a time out moment to acknowledge how wonderful my better half is! He is gone for a business trip this week and BOYoBOYoBOY do I miss him. Not only do I miss his help, I just MISS him! I miss silly little chats while we sit on the couch or as we fall asleep. The great thing about my guy is he is GREAT! He is funny, smart and puts us first in all things. I don't know what I would do without him. He is such a good daddy! His only flaw is he isn't here right now!! I guess that is the problem with having such an involved daddy/husband/ realize how much they do..usually once they are gone!

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